
Asian Sport for All Federation (ASFAF)


The Federation

The Asian Sport for All Federation (ASFAF) was created and founded by the International Sports for All Federation (F.I.S.p.T) and speaks for its country member representatives across Asia and the Middle East who are the expert consultative body for Sport for All. ASFAF is dedicated to promote health, education and well-being through sport and physical activity practiced by everyone regardless of their age, ability, race or gender as well as encourages and supports the efforts and development of other organizations already involved in Sport for All.

The Federation

ASFAF engages organizations, institutions, groups and even individuals in all member countries to take part in getting populations and societies active and healthy by increasing health education as well as building awareness of the social benefits that sport and physical activity can bring. This will be achieved through cooperation with recognized governmental and non-governmental bodies, health and educational institutions, ministries, International Sports Federations (IFs), National Olympic Committees (NOCs), National and International sport organizations, and International/National/Regional/Local Sport for All organizations . ASFAF plans to reach its goals through high quality and engaging sports events, activities, festivals, training courses, workshops, conferences, and wider country initiatives and activities.

President's Words

"Through ASFAF we strive to establish sport as a field of friendship and acquaintance whose base is our education and awareness in health, wellness and fitness with our dedication to build friendships and relations between the continent countries". Dr. Ahmad Al Sharif


VISION - To engage and involve as many organizations as possible in our sport initiatives to evolve the Asian continent into healthier and sustainable environments

MISSION – To build bridges with Asian countries and ensure healthy and physically active societies by introducing quality sport programs, events, and workshops

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